
Julia Morrison Costes is a Vermont based artist and art educator. She earned her bachelor's and Master's degrees at Saint Michael's College. In 2017, she studied art at the international institute Lorenzo de’Medici in Florence, Italy where she explored hand building with clay, art history, and oil painting. Her work has been exhibited in artist markets in Burlington, through SEABA in Burlington, VT, Sparrow Art Supply in Middlebury, VT and Studio Place Arts in Barre, VT. 

Much like lasagna, it's all about layers.

Harmony in playful color palettes and patterns that bring warmth and joy. A sewing machine just like your grandma’s. The wispy grass from your hometown beach. A breakfast spread you can almost taste.  My art is for the people with ties to the places I care for or a heart string connected to a similar thing. As collections from my travels, snap shots of home, or foods that comfort, the layers in my art allow bits to peek through that contrast, that excite, and showcase the simple kind of beautiful through layers of painting and printmaking.

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follow on instagram @morr.art.jm